Genre: Action/Thriller
The seemingly indestructible Marine captain Shane "Scarecrow" Schofield returns in this high-octane adventure from Reilly (Area 7, etc.). This time out, Schofield finds himself, along with 14 other members of the world's most elite military units, being hunted by a seemingly endless army of bounty hunters.
The prize for the hunters is $18.6 million per head, and all 15 heads must be taken within six days. The search for the person behind this bounty hunt takes Schofield and his loyal band of marines around the world and in and out of one life-threatening situation after another. Reilly knows exactly what kind of book he's writing.
His heroes are brave and self-sacrificing, his villains are bloodthirsty and ruthless, and the fate of the world hangs in the balance. Narrator Sowers is in perfect synch with Reilly's storytelling. Obviously enjoying himself, he knows just what words to punch in order to get the most out of each action-packed sentence, and he supports his Clint Eastwood-like delivery of Schofield's dialogue by giving each of the numerous secondary characters their own distinct voices and accents. Those who like their adventures fast and furious will not be disappointed by this energetic production.
A book teaser:
A book teaser:
My evaluation
This is Reilly at his best! Very fast action, densely packed with plot and strong characters with Scarecrow as the natural born hero. This is James Bond style - on steroids! It helps to read the other two Scarecrow-books to fully understand the relationship between the characters from the beginning, but it' definately not a necessity! The story is outrageous and entertaining to the end!
My rating
of 5
Format: Kindle Edition
File Size: 1673 KB
Print Length: 416 pages
Publisher: Thomas Dunne Books; 1 edition (April 1, 2010)
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services
Language: English
Pic of today:The sun sets over Sua Pan, Botswana
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