December 04, 2011

Still alive !!!

Rumors of my death is somewhat exaggerated, but I do have been "gone" for over a month... Life suddenly turned out more busy than both expected and wanted, putting me at work for 3 weeks in Asia and 1 week in USA. No time for fun reading, just business. With December coming up I see my reading hours will still be few, but at least now I can concentrate on my Kindle content again :-)

I have read two books since my last blog post, but the reviews from these are missing. I have chosen not to write them. I may have been a bit too busy in my head to appreciate "Shades of Luz" and "Instrument of Evil", but they didn't engage me at all. One of them I couldn't finish, and the other I waited and waited for action - but nothing happened. Of 5 possible stars, they get 1 and 2. Again, it may very well be my own lack of concentration... and for that I am sorry. But I also have to be honest, otherwise reviewing is futile.

I am, however, ready to start a new book - "Missing Daughter, Shattered Family" by Liz Strange. Just have to finish Peter F. Hamilton's "The Neutronium Alchemist" first.

Happy December everyone, and remember - a Kindle is a great Christmas present :-))

Busy, but I did see a Koala in Perth :-)


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