September 03, 2011

Review - "DreamWar" by Stephen Prosapio

Genre: Sci-Fi

This story takes place in our dreams! An interesting concept. For those of you (like me) who have seen and enjoyed the movie "Inception" with Leonardo DiCaprio, Dream War will be spot on!

The main characters in the novel are Nadia & Drew, a quite normal couple - and Hector Lopez. Lopez is trained to connect to the dreams of known terrorists to be able to read their minds. This way any terrorist attach can be stopped before it has even started. At least that is the plan... As it turns out  it isn't just Lopez who wander around in the dreams of these terrorists. And it isn't just terrorists dreams that are invaded. All people are in fact vulnerable for dream intruders!

Nadia and Drew have for some reason got a silver medallion which protect them against dream intruders. This medallion is a treasured object among several factions in this story. During the novel we end up in Italy, by the Vesuvius. What is it that actually hides in this sleeping, but still not quite dead volcano? Why are continously more silver medallions turning up? And who the hell is Luzveyn Dred?

"Given the mysteries of the human mind, it was perhaps inevitable that the CIA would one day invade our dreams.

Since the beginning of human history, dreams have been considered an element of the supernatural world. The Jewish Torah and the Christian Bible tell stories of them used as divine messages, warnings, and visions. Mohammed claimed to have received much of the Koran from dreams..

My evaluation

If you are in search of a different book, this one is definately worth checking out! I was thoroughly in doubt whether Prosapio managed to put the whole story toghether towards the end, but he did that brilliantly! This is Sci-Fi mixed with known elements and actual political events, and it makes the story very credible. Maybe you should think twice about what to wish for in your dreams...?

My rating

of 5

Format: Kindle Edition
File Size: 505 KB
Publisher: Noble Publishing; 1 edition (July 14, 2010)
Sold by:
 Amazon Digital Services
Language: English

 Pic of the day: Dream sky, Calgary


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